10th EAAP Webinar: Novel genotyping solutions to consider trait-associated variants in animal improvement programs

Progetto senza titolo - 2022-02-16T131005.161
February 16, 2022

The tenth EAAP Webinar titled Novel genotyping solutions to consider trait-associated variants in animal improvement programs is organized in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 funded project BovReg – Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle.

The first presentation will be given by Ruidong Xiang from “University of Melbourne” (Australia) on “Identifying genome-wide regulatory variants and using them in genomic prediction of cattle traits“. Marie-Pierre Sanchez from “INRAE” (France) will then talk about “Use of custom chips to validate causal variants in cattle“. Afterwards, Jesse Hoff from “Gencove” (USA) will make a speech about “Routine Implementation of Sequencing in Genomic Evaluations using Low-Pass Imputation and Hybrid Capture“. Finally, the last talk will be on “Opportunities using structural variation in animal improvement programs” by Aniek Bouwman from Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands).

The webinar will continue with a Panel session moderated by Hubert Pausch from “ETH Zurich” (Switzerland) with the presence of the speakers Didier Boichard from “INRAE” (France), Jesse Hoff from “Gencove” (USA), Serap Gonen from “Mowi” (Norway), Cord Drögemüller from “University of Bern” (Switzerland) and Franz Seefried from “Qualitas AG” (Switzerland).

Registration and detailed information are available here.